Thursday 9 June 2011

Day 7

So it's been a week since this all started, If I had paid more attention earlier I may have been more prepared for it all. It seemed i was the only one living under a rock even to the point where I was wandering around in a ghost town not knowing why I was the only person outside. What difference would it have made if I had known earlier? I couldn't go anywhere, about 8 million people all got the same idea to jump in their cars and flee to other infected parts of Britain, only to get impossibly jammed on the M25 or A1. Lets think logically for a second, If I did have somewhere to run away to unless it was a submarine, prison or bunker, then there really isn't anywhere safer than where I am now. I don't even think the people who jumped into their cars knew where they were going either, in fact they just made it easier for the infected to get to them. A car stuck in the middle of 6 million cars front and back doesn't really provide you with much protection in the long run, especially if you are miles away from home when you get stranded. The intelligence of the general public can test humanity to the brink sometimes and that's without a threat to mankind.

It is completely dead outside right now, in more ways than one. The army look to have lost the battle, because there is no more fighting, no more bombing, gunfire or explosions. The burning buildings from yesterday have been put out from last nights rainfall, only charred, burnt and destroyed brickwork remains as evidence of a previous structure. The infected are roaming everywhere, it is hypnotic watching them pointlessly shuffle around from behind my curtains. Its a creepy sight, watching these people who have now became a shadow of their former selves, they have no purpose, no meaning. I don't even think they know they are dead, In fact I don't even think they have any awareness or living soul left. They are running purely on instinct, the only motor that drives their existence is food. I do not know why they only attack the living and not each other, they must have some sort of sense that can distinguish between the two. A bite is all it takes to follow in their path, it is a frightening thought, but I gotta stay strong, think positive and lose my reliance on technology and modern luxuries. I have to somehow dig out that old barbarian animal survival instinct that evolution and modern day society has drained away from me. First I need some rest, my eyes are constantly stinging like someone poured salt and petrol into them, only a feeling you'll know when you haven't had sleep for more than their bodies can handle. I need to stay focused and alert, being tired all the time will not help me out in the long run. Will post later. 

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