
What is The Zombie Survivor Diaries?

Hi there, My Name is Dave Jones and this is my story. In short a new mutated strain of bird flu breaks out globally, people start getting sick and there is no known cure or treatment. I am pretty unaware of the situation that is unfolding around me and I write the blog day by day completely oblivious to the terror that is slowly bringing down the world. Eventually I get to find out what is happening and its already too late. Me and my wife are barricaded in our high rise flat, trying to survive and each day I post on the blog explaining what day to day life is like as a survivor. I created blog mainly for fun, because I have a very big thing for zombies, I love them more than any other movie monster because unlike werewolves & vampires, zombies are not supernatural beings, their existence is very possible in a future outbreak. True the chance of them rising from the grave is very slim, but it only takes a matter of time before you get some new bacteria, parasite or virus that is similar to the 'rage virus' in 28 days later.

How Does it work?

I thought it would be a great new way to tell a story as the reader gets to see events unfold as they happen in real time. This is something you do not get in a book, because by reading a book you follow the story from beginning to end all at once and its usually over in a day or so. My Story will take you on a journey that will last months, I will be adding media such as pictures and video. I will be exploring self destruction of a survivors mental state, dealing with personal loss, loneliness, fear, the thought of no hope and death. The world as we know it crumbles around us, if we have the chance to survive it, what would you do?

Why am I Doing this?

People have asked me why I am doing this and that is simple, because I want to try and show the world my creative abilities. I am a deep thinking writer, I am a graphical designer, video editor 3d animator and I am currently out of work trying to get my name heard above the thousands of other designers, video editors and 3d animators. The fact of the matter is if you want to stand out from the rest, get noticed and have your work recognised above the massive pile of others out there, you need to do something completely different. I could create hundreds of demo reels on YouTube and post galleries of my work on facebook, but how would I be different from the millions of other people doing the same thing. This is why I am working on this project, it is new, its creative, it shows my talents and finally it is good enough to keep people interested and wanting more. This website is my own personal CV, I have been rejected from job applications, had my emails ignored and generally put to the bottom of the pile. Zombie Survivor Diaries will show everyone who I am and what I am capable of, physically and mentally.