Tuesday 7 June 2011

Day 5

So we somehow made it through the night. We probably got about an hours sleep, but how could we rest when we could hear the town being shot, bombed and pretty much raised to the ground? We live in a 17 story tower block, its one of the highest buildings in the town, at any moment we could have been hit with stray bullets, mortars and god knows what. We were informed early last night that downstairs had been securely shut and barricaded. I just feel lucky that we only did our shopping a few days ago so that should keep our supplies up for a while. My Wife (Robyn) is absolutely petrified, and I have to somehow keep strong for the both of us. We came to the agreement that we must ration our food carefully, the bath and all sinks have been filled with water. Call me paranoid, but If the water and electric get cut I like to know I still have a good supply of drinking water. I haven't been out to check the barricade, however I am told the lifts have been switched off and the front door has been boarded shut. As a secondary measure the ground floor stairs have been removed. It makes me feel a lot safer knowing that, because even if those infected do somehow get in, they won't make it very far. On the flipside if there is a fire or the building gets hit by something we will all burn to death in here. Logging off now as our electricity is a pay meter and I don't want to waste it, when it goes that's it, no power no lighting and no hot food. Will update later on if the building is still standing.

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