Wednesday 29 June 2011

Day 27

Yesterday I was on a high for making it out and returning with a bag full of goodies to keep me alive, today I have come down from that high because the supplies I have returned with are not really a long term solution. Living off fizzy drinks and pub snacks are by no means healthy or suitable for long term living. The long term solution isn't really better unless I have a field to grow crops or a powered freezer to hold as many steak joints it could hold, so I guess you could say I am screwed either way.

I have noticed a lot more activity outside the flat in the last few days, it's probably safe to say that I have drawn them back here, but they don't seem to be showing any intention of breaking in to investigate further. They are still aimlessly wandering about lost within the limited shield of intelligence the virus leaves them in. That said I don't want to give them any reason to trigger that switch in their brain to decide they want to come up and get me. So no shooting out the window or screaming at them to get lost and leave us alone. I can still sense activity next door, my neighbor is probably starving his ass off in there, he hasn't managed to get out yet, but his muscles could have already wasted away to the point where standing up is impossible. That is of course an assumption, there is no telling how quickly the rate of decay works on the infected, after all they are not entirely dead, so there could be a chance that the decomposition cycle is slowed or non existent all together.

We are still waiting on feedback from this scientist who plans to publish his findings on the research of captured specimens. He could be dead by now, or has nothing to report, but no news is good news. I still stand to my original statement that no new research is going to solve the worldwide outbreak, but just learning more about them and the biology is interesting to know.

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